McMenamins Presents

Conversational Lube – The first LIVE comedy dating show!! 21 & Over

Ages 21 and up
Conversational Lube
Friday, March 07
Doors: 7pm ** Show: 7pm
McMenamins Presents:

Conversational Lube – The first LIVE comedy dating show!!

21 and over.

Friday, March 7th, 2025 7:00PM

Al’s Den under the Crystal Hotel
303 SW 12 Ave
Portland, Oregon 97209


CONVERSATIONAL LUBE: The first LIVE comedy dating show!!


91.5% of first dates suck purely because of awkward, dull, boring conversations.


Conversational Lube is here to FIX that.


You’re invited to the FIRST real time, live comedy dating show!! Singles will be matched, meet for the first time, then join a comedian on stage (the lube) to have a first date!


YES, we will be putting audience members on BLIND DATES in real time at the show! That means YOU, yes, YOU can come and possibly find your soul mate! (Or at the very least go home with a funny af story.)


Each couple will have a date on the stage and be joined by a licensed professional* (*fully unlicensed comedian) to LUBE up the conversation to make sure it flows, is entertaining, and fully capitalize on any weird shit that comes up. (The last part mostly for the sake of the audience and laughs.)


Hosted by stand up comedian and writer, Cait Chock, who is single for MANY reasons but NOT because she can’t dazzle a first conversation. She shines in a first impression then actively decay like a free radical. She’s a lost cause but she’s using her conversational skills to help YOU find love!


We may not guarantee you find love but we DO guarantee it will be a helluva lot more fun than another boring and slightly deranged tinder meet-up.


ALL are welcomed, even you monsters already happily in love can come, eat, drink, laugh, and watch the rest of us squirm!


Apps suck. Approaching strangers in the wild is scary. Hitting on your Trader Joe’s cashier is not cool. A comedy show is your best bet!


Don’t settle down shitty, boring, vanilla conversations…apply conversational lube.


Check us out on Instagram @conversationallube and slide into those DMs if you’re a single looking to be set up on a future show!


9/20/23 - Al's Den